Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Vinny's Toddler Room Progress Report

Vinny got his progress report from school. I thought I would share, since I know that there are a lot of other parents that read this, and would like to see what daycare expects. This is for 2-3 year olds. Because Vinny was put into the toddler class a few months early, they evaluated him based on that, not on his age, since he has only been 2 for a couple of weeks.
They grade everything as Usually, Sometimes or Rarely.

Section 1
Social and Emotional Development
1. Shows/gives affection to others - usually
2. Seeks comfort / gives comfort - usually
3. Knows/understands the concept of me/mine - usually
4. Takes turns - sometimes
5. Parallel play: plays side by side with other children - usually
6. Developing independence (says "NO" when asked questions or to do things) - usually

Section 2
Cognitive Development
1. Names pictures of common objects in books or pictures - usually
2. Names 5-6 body parts on self - usually
3. Asks questions "What," "Where," and "Why" - usually (what and where, not why)
4. Uses 2-3 word sentences - sometimes
5. Begins to call others by name - sometimes
6. Counts to two, aware of "1 more" - sometimes (counts to two)
7. Follows/responds to 2-step directions - usually
8. Uses objects to represent something else - sometimes
9. Beginning to grasp cause and effect relationship - sometimes

Section 3
Motor Skills
1. Runs - usually
2. Jumps using both feet - usually
3. Climbs hand over hand - usually
4. Kicks a ball forward - usually
5. Throws ball overhand with no accuracy - usually
6. Can stack 3-8 blocks - usually (can stack 5-9)
7. Scribbles with crayons - usually
8. Can manipulate small objects - usually
9. Disassembles; takes apart simple objects - usually

Section 4
Hygiene and Self Help
1. Drinks from a cup unassisted (lidless, spills occasionally) - usually
2. Removes own clothes (shoes, socks, shirt, pants) - sometimes - jacket, shoes, socks
3. Uses spoon to feed self - usually
4. Displays interest in toilet training - sometimes
5. Washes own hands - usually
6. Wipes, blows nose w/ tissue - sometimes

The notes said that he has done very well in his new classroom and is really learning to use his words instead of his hands when frustrated.

The goals for the next 6 months are that they will work on toilet training, and on using 2-3 word phrases, counting and taking turns. They also said that they would work on colors and letters even though those aren't on the report.

They told me that he is a little behind most of his class, but for just turning two, he is doing great. I love that they send home these progress reports because then I know what it is that they are expecting. They will do the same report in 6 months to make sure that he is doing better on the things he needs to.


  1. Looks like Vinny is doing fantastic!

  2. Good Job Vinny! This is one of the reasons I would like to put Jacob in daycare, but since its not at all necessary right now we can't justify the cost or the time away from him :(
