Saturday, January 31, 2009

Roller Skating

We went roller skating for the first time today. Alison, Ashley and Andrew met us there. It was so much fun. I haven't been there since Jr. High, so I guess I was a little suprised by the music. I totally expected to skate away to Paula Abdul, but nope. It looked just the same inside. Vinny did so well and loved it. They tightened his skates and he was all over the place. I can't wait to bring him again!

He was so excited!

Vinny and Andrew

Ashley, Andrew and Vinny
Watching the disco lights on the ceiling.
Andrew finally getting a hang of it.
Ashley and Vinny. He just loves her.

Vinny and Ashley again... they were way too cool to skate with the moms.
This picture totally makes me think of what it is going to be like 10 years from now.

Alison with the boys.
Vinny, Ashley, Alison and Andrew!
Alison, Ashley, and Andrew~
Thanks for going with us. It was so much fun! Let's do it again sometime!

Friday, January 30, 2009

This week....

Wow, it has been quite the week and this up coming one is going to be busy too!

Monday - Vinny was still sick, and stayed home with Tony because of a fever and diarhea. I had an appt with my advisor for school. (see below)

Tuesday - Vinny was sick, again... Tony stayed home with him. He started feeling better later in the evening though.

Wednesday - Vinny went to daycare, they said he was still sick, but not enough to be sent home. Then we had a pizza party at my work after work. Tony went to the Silvertips game.

Thursday - Vinny went to daycare again. Same thing... Diarhea still, but not bad enough to get sent home. I had to go to the school afterwork and watch "Super Size Me." After that we went to Costco and didn't get home until nearly 9:00.

Today - Vinny went to daycare. Work was horrible! We laid off 8 people and found out that there was a pay freeze for 2009 and that there would be a bunch of budget cuts. Scary!!! I really needed a raise too!!! Then I get a call from daycare that Vinny has to be picked up because he is sick AGAIN! What is wrong with that boy? He is going to Grandma and Grandpa's tonight, while Tony and I go to the Silvertips game.

Tomorrow - In the morning we are going to go roller skating with Alison, Ashley and Andrew. Then we will go home and spend some time as a family. Tomorrow night we are going to Ashley and Andrew's to babysit them for awhile, while thier parents go to a birthday party.

Sunday- Vinny and I are going to Seattle to go to the Pacific Science Center with Papa Vinny, Kara and Reidar. I haven't been there with Vinny yet, so it should be fun. Plus, I am very excited to be able to spend some time with my dad and my sister and brother. Tony is going to stay home and watch the Superbowl.

Monday - Tony's 29th Birthday!!! Happy Birthday, Hun! We are going to go to his parents for dinner and then probably go to the casino for a little while.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Vinny's Toddler Room Progress Report

Vinny got his progress report from school. I thought I would share, since I know that there are a lot of other parents that read this, and would like to see what daycare expects. This is for 2-3 year olds. Because Vinny was put into the toddler class a few months early, they evaluated him based on that, not on his age, since he has only been 2 for a couple of weeks.
They grade everything as Usually, Sometimes or Rarely.

Section 1
Social and Emotional Development
1. Shows/gives affection to others - usually
2. Seeks comfort / gives comfort - usually
3. Knows/understands the concept of me/mine - usually
4. Takes turns - sometimes
5. Parallel play: plays side by side with other children - usually
6. Developing independence (says "NO" when asked questions or to do things) - usually

Section 2
Cognitive Development
1. Names pictures of common objects in books or pictures - usually
2. Names 5-6 body parts on self - usually
3. Asks questions "What," "Where," and "Why" - usually (what and where, not why)
4. Uses 2-3 word sentences - sometimes
5. Begins to call others by name - sometimes
6. Counts to two, aware of "1 more" - sometimes (counts to two)
7. Follows/responds to 2-step directions - usually
8. Uses objects to represent something else - sometimes
9. Beginning to grasp cause and effect relationship - sometimes

Section 3
Motor Skills
1. Runs - usually
2. Jumps using both feet - usually
3. Climbs hand over hand - usually
4. Kicks a ball forward - usually
5. Throws ball overhand with no accuracy - usually
6. Can stack 3-8 blocks - usually (can stack 5-9)
7. Scribbles with crayons - usually
8. Can manipulate small objects - usually
9. Disassembles; takes apart simple objects - usually

Section 4
Hygiene and Self Help
1. Drinks from a cup unassisted (lidless, spills occasionally) - usually
2. Removes own clothes (shoes, socks, shirt, pants) - sometimes - jacket, shoes, socks
3. Uses spoon to feed self - usually
4. Displays interest in toilet training - sometimes
5. Washes own hands - usually
6. Wipes, blows nose w/ tissue - sometimes

The notes said that he has done very well in his new classroom and is really learning to use his words instead of his hands when frustrated.

The goals for the next 6 months are that they will work on toilet training, and on using 2-3 word phrases, counting and taking turns. They also said that they would work on colors and letters even though those aren't on the report.

They told me that he is a little behind most of his class, but for just turning two, he is doing great. I love that they send home these progress reports because then I know what it is that they are expecting. They will do the same report in 6 months to make sure that he is doing better on the things he needs to.

Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing...

All of a sudden Vinny's vocabulary has blown up. He will repeat anything that we ask him to. well, when he is in the mood he will. He knows most of his flashcards, and now sings songs. I can't keep track anymore of everything.... so my list of "Words Vinny Says" will no longer be updated. I just can't keep up.
It kind of makes me sad. My baby is not so much a baby anymore.
I am proud of him, though, for learning so much, and love that he can express things to us easier.
I guess it is time to start working on other things. :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

I Remember Monday

I remember when Vinny was only a week old, and telling people that he always wanted to lay on his tummy and look around. They all acted like I was nuts. I had friends that had kids that were weeks, even months older that hated "tummy time" and could barely hold thier heads up at all. I didn't know any better, so I didn't know the difference. I learned later that it wasn't the norm.
Here is a video of Vinny at 2 weeks old, laying on his dad.
It is amazing how quick you forget how small they were.


I was approved today for graduation!!! I filled out my application, and it was approved. Now all I need to do is pass the rest of the classes that I need and I will be all set!
My graduation day is June 7th! I am so excited!!!!
I never really thought that I would get the chance to go back to school, and now here I am.

I know that it is just an AGS degree, but to me, it is more than that.

It is a sense of accomplishment.

It is being able to tell my son that I got a degree. And not feeling guilty for pushing college on him, when I myself hadn't finished.

It is knowing that I am no longer a college drop out.

It is knowing that I actually can put a degree on my resume. I know that it won't make a difference in my current job, but I am ok with that. I enjoy my job, and don't plan on leaving anytime soon.

It is knowing that I can say to Tony that I am an educated girl, which means that I am right and he is wrong. (Just kidding about that one... well, sort of.)

Anyway, I am just super excited, and thought that I would share!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yay! It's finally done!

Tony has been working on Vinny's playset for awhile and he finally got it finished today. We thought it was done a few weeks ago, but decided that it needed some modifications. So now, it is almost twice as big, but finished. Now we just have to get some wood chips, and we will be all set for the summer!

Eli, Andrew & Cameron ~ Vinny can't wait for you to come over and play!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Talent in the family????

We went and watched my neice Kayla's band concert this last week. She did such a great job! I can't believe that those kids did so well with only a couple of months of practice. It was a lot of fun to watch. I am so proud of her for being able to not only get up there and play with the group and her classmates, but especially for being able to do a solo. I don't think I would have the guts to do that.
Great Job, Kayla!

I do have video of her whole class playing, but I didn't publish it on here.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fun online games for toddlers to play.

Vinny always wants to play on the computer, so I went online and found a few games for him to play. I have to move the mouse for him, but he points and tells me where everything goes. He is able to pass all the levels on the following games. These are his favorites.
It amazes me to watch him figure them all out, and if I try to put something in the wrong spot he tells me "NO!"

Duckies in a Row

Bob the Builder's Tool Shed

Baby Bops' Shape Game

The Wild Safari Ride Game

Shape Search

Do you have any online games that your toddlers play? I would love to see them. I would also love to hear what your little guys think of these as well.

In loving memory....

It's been a year ago today that my Uncle Jerry passed away. We all miss you so much!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A mix of things.... Lots of Pictures in Post

I thought I would just post some random pictures of recent happenings. We are always so busy with "event" type things, that I rarely post about day to day happenings. Between the holidays, birthdays, ice skating and Silvertips stuff, you would think that we are always on the go... but we do have some down time....

Vinny has wanted a cash register for some time now. He always loves to play with them, so we spent his birthday money to get him one. He sat for over an hour last night playing by himself. He would open and close the drawer and scan all types of items. He even brought me his fake money while I was studying. When I asked him if it was for me, he yelled "MY MONEY" and hid it behind his back. I had no idea that he knew what money was, or that he could say money, but he surprises me with new things each day...

Oh and don't you just love the grocery clerk with no pants on?!?!?!

Here is a picture of Vinny on his new scooter. He got it for his birthday from Grandma Donna. I have to admit that I wasn't sure how well he would do with a scooter, but he has had so much fun with it. It is Leap Frog brand, and if you are looking for a scooter, I recommend it. It has a ton of buttons and is a bit noisy, but the songs are educational.

Vinny has even learned how to actually use the scooter by putting one foot on and pushing off with the other. I was impressed. I thought that would be something that he needed to be older to learn.

Here are some pictures of Vinny just playing and being goofy. The sweater that he is wearing is a Norwegian sweater that his great grandma Bona had made for him for Christmas.

The Mickey Mouse is his new favorite stuffed animal. He got it from Papa Vinny for his birthday. He carries him around all over. Mickey eats with Vinny, drinks with Vinny, reads with Vinny and sleeps with Vinny. Any where Vinny goes, Mickey is in tow.
All giggles!

Vinny's new "Cheese" face! Sometimes I wonder where he learned to be such a ham... I think I am blaming it on his uncle Joe.

Vinny's new pet! He got him from Andrew and Ashley for his birthday. I have asked him a could of times what the fish's name is and he tells me "bott" which is what he calls milk. I asked him if the fish's name is "milk" and his response was "Um...... Yah." So I guess this is our new pet named Milk. Hopefully he will come up with a new name soon.

This is just a picture that I thought I would share. Tony took it last night. I don't know if you can tell what it is, because the picture is kind of small, but it is the stars from our backyard after about a 20 minute exposure time. You can see the stars rotating around the center star. I don't know a whole lot about it, but Tony has been trying to get a shot like this for awhile.

Since Tony and I both had the day off of work on Monday, we decided to go to the Woodland Park Zoo. Vinny really enjoyed running around. It was a great day for it. The sun was shining, and the animals were out. We had a lot of fun, and I can't wait to take Vinny back.

Vinny's 2 year Doctor Appt

We went to Vinny's Dr appt on Friday. The Dr said that everything looked good. His talking is just fine, which is one concern I had.
He was 36 inches and 29.2 lbs. That means that he grew 5 inches and only gained 2 oz since his 18 month appt.
He is in the 64th Percentile for weight, 85th percentile for height and 37th percentile for head circumference.
I talked to the Dr appt the lump behind Vinny's ear. He still said the same thing, that is is just a lymph node. He did say that if I want to have blood drawn to do tests that we can do that, but it would be just for my own sanity, not because he thinks we need it. He has to go back for a shot soon, so, I am going to think more about it, and possibly do it then.
They asked a couple of questions to check his development:
Can he stack 5-6 blocks? Yes.
Can he remove or put on 2 or more items of clothing? Not yet.
Can he say more than 20 words? Yes, he can say nearly 70
Does he regularly sleep through the night? No, but he usually isn't awake, he just comes and crawls into our bed.
He has to go back and get his Hep A shot because they can't do it early, and so it had to be done after the 22nd. Why we didn't schedule his appt for after then, I have no idea, but other than that, he won't go back until he is 3.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Skate with the Silvertips

Tonight was the Skate with the Silvertips event for season ticket holders. They open up the rink and you are able to go out and meet the players and get autographs and pictures. Tony, Jason and Vinny all went out and skated. Vinny once again, loved being out on the ice. Here are the pictures that we got.

Alex Theriau, Tony and Vinny
Kent Simpson, Tony and Vinny

Ryan White, Marcus McCrea, Vinny and Tony

Vinny and Cameron Abney
Vinny and Shayne Brown

Tony, Vinny and Kellan Tochkin
Tony, Vinny and Tyler Maxwell

Tony, Vinny and Vinny's favorite team member, Lincoln.

Vinny's Birthday Party **Updated**

Yesterday was Vinny's birthday party at the Children's museum. Thank you to everyone that came. We had a great time and it was great to see everyone. Thank you all for the wonderful gifts too! And especially, thank you to Dawn who helped me pull this party off. Without her help, I don't know how I would have done it. (And thank you Brian for letting me steal your wife for so much stuff)
Here is a slideshow from the party. I know that more people took pictures, so I am hoping to get some better ones, but at least you can see how some if it went.

Here is a link to the pictures that Dawn took. Thanks Dawn!

Thanks again to everyone!!!

Vinny's Party Guests:
Mom & Dad
Grandma Donna
Grandma Linda and Grandpa Dan
Papa Vinny, Chrisana and Kane
Grandma Karen, Aunt Kara and Uncle Reidar
Uncle Dan, Aunt Brenda, Coby and Kayla
Uncle Tim
Uncle Jason
Dawn & Eli
Jennie & Cameron
Alison, Tony, Ashley & Andrew
Jessica & Jaydn
Dani & Braedan

Friday, January 16, 2009

Vinny's Birthday

For Vinny's birthday on Wednesday, we went to Grandma Karen's for pizza and brownies to celebrate. He had a lot of fun, and loved his gifts. He wasn't so sure about the whole blowing out the candles thing, but was very excited for dessert!

One of his new puzzles.
"Happy Birthday to you...."

Tomorrow is the big day of his Semame Street party at the Children's Museum. I will be sure to post pictures from that too, when I get a chance.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thoughts for Thursday.... Jordan Mistelbacher

Do you have people in your life that you don't know personally, but feel like you do? I have several of them. Some examples are the friends of the people at work. We talk about them, and I hear stories about them. I don't know them, but I feel like I do. Or the spouses of your friends and acquaintances. I guess being a girl, especially one that talks a lot, and is nosy, I learn a lot about people, so I feel like they are a part of my life, even if they aren't. I hope that makes sense.

The reason that I started thinking about this is the recent death of former Silvertips player, Jordan Mistelbacher. I didn't know him personally, but I go and see him and his team play hockey for 2 years, sometimes more than a couple of times a week. He was a part of a team that I was a fan of and supported. He was one of the players that I looked for every game. I read articles about him and kept up on his life, as well as come of his other teammates. It really saddened me to hear about his death. He seemed like a good kid. He had a lot going for him. He may not have been with the Tips anymore, but was a decent player, so he would have done well at Winnipeg. He was only 19 years old.

My heart really goes out to Jordan's family and to his friends and to all of his Silvertips that will be missing that piece of their "family." And to all of his fans, like myself, that will miss our #18.

My thought for Thursday... There are a lot of people out there that you know and care about, even if you don't really "know" them. Their lives may effect the lives of the people that we do know and love. If something bad happens to one of them it can affect us by seeing the pain that those we love are feeling.

I know that I didn't know Jordan, and I don't personally know the Tips players, or their families, but I still feel like they are a part of my life, at least a couple of days a week for 6+ months of the year, and I feel for all of them, and hope that they can all get through this knowing that he is now in a better place.

May you rest in peace Jordan!

Here is a picture of Vinny watching the team warm up last year.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dr Appt Update

Since I know that a lot of people will be asking, I figured that I would just write it all out here.
The biopsy came back with one of two things that it could be. Either Discoid Lupus or Hypersensitivity Disorder. He said that he is still leaning towards lupus, even though they had told me that it was drug induced lupus before, and I am no longer on that medication. He said that H.D. comes out when people are exposed to sun. Well, my rash has only come during the winter and cleared completely up in the summer.
At this point he would like to start treating me for lupus. Apparently there is some enzyme, that if you carry it, than you can't take the medication for lupus, so I am waiting for results back to see if I carry that enzyme. It doesn't sound very likely that I do. So I will probably start the medication in about a week. The positive thing is that the Discoid Lupus tends to be confined to the skin, so hopefully that is the case... I posted I will go back to the Dr in 3 months and see how the medication is working. Hopefully it will be helping and I can get this figured out once and for all!
As for my biopsy scar... it's icky. It is right on the top of my arm, and is red and yucky, but matches with my rash, so you don't notice it that much. Hopefully over time it with become hardly noticeable.

Thank you everyone who has stuck by me through all of this... your support is much appreciated!

Here is some info on Discoid Lupus:

Discoid lupus is a type of lupus that tends to be confined to the skin and other organs in the body are not involved. Discoid lupus occurs in patches across the body. These patches tend to be well defined, thickened and scaly, they are slightly red in colour and can itch. The appearance can vary between people and also on different areas of the body on the same person. As the patches heal they tend to leave scars and on darker skins the pigment in the skin can be lost leaving white areas. If discoid lupus occurs on the scalp the hair will be lost as the patches heal leaving permanent bald areas.

Happy Birthday Vinny!!!

I can't believe you are two years old day!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Our Little Silvertips Fan.

Vinny has shown a lot of interest in hockey, and loves ice skating, so we decided to get him a hockey helmet for his birthday... Yes, I know his birthday isn't until Wednesday, but he got it early (Tony and I are suckers.) We have also been waiting for his size in Silvertips Jersey's to come in since he was 9 months old, and we finally were able to get him one.
He was so excited! He just wanted to keep playing hockey in our hallway all evening. We might have a future Silvertip on our hands!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fun with family

We went over to Alicia and Ryan's for dinner last night. Beck is leaving for Texas on Monday, so we wanted a chance to see her before she left. This time she is only gone for a couple of months, and then she will be home for a few years! Yay! I am so excited. I am glad that Vinny will finally get a chance to get to know her more.

We had a lot of fun last night. We really need to get together more often. It is so weird with the twins and me. Even if we don't see eachother very often, when we do see eachother, it is like we just saw eachother yesterday. We have some kind of special bond with eachother, that with all the stuff we have all gone through over the years in our own lives, the bond just doesn't get weakened. I don't know how to explain it... I guess it is just a "First Batch Composano" thing...
The boys are all now old enough to play together, and old enough that Tony and Ryan can play with them too. :)

Davery wasn't home last night, because he had his first slumber party at a friend's house, so Keiler, Micah and Vinny just played together. Here are some pictures of them eating dessert.

Other family news: Cassee is pregnant! She is due in September. I can't believe that everyone is growing up so much. It will be fun to all have kids growing up together.

Friday, January 9, 2009

School Days

It seems like everyone is so shocked when I say "I have homework to do" or when I talk about school, so I thought that I would give a little update on here. Tony and I have been talking about me going back to school for years, and I finally decided to just do it. I went to the college and found out that I am only 4 classes away from my AGS degree. Sure, it isn't the degree that I would have hoped for, but I am nearly 30 and haven't been to school in 7 years, I figure I better do something and just get it done with.
So I started school at Everett Community College on January 5th. I am taking 3 classes online. Nutrition, Personal Finance, and Children's Literature. The Nutrition and Literature class are required and I am taking personal finance because I thought it would be easy, since I am a banker and all, but it seems to be the hardest of the three.
I am really enjoying the Literature class. I am only a week into it, and already it has brought back so many memories of books from when I was a child. It has also made me start a list of books that I want to get for Vinny. The list is growing quickly. I am doing a report on H.A. Reys and Curious George. Who would of thought that I could sit and read Curious George books and get college credit for it. :)
The other 2 classes aren't so fun, but I think that I will benefit a lot from both. I have already learned that my lifestyle needs to change in both the health and financial sides.
So until the end of March I am going to juggle being a full time student, a full time employee and boss, a full time wife and a full time mother. I am not sure how I am going to do it all, but I keep reminding myself that it is for only 2 months. Next quarter I will be able to take one simple class and then I will be able to graduate in June.
This is a big step for me. I can honestly say that I never thought that I would go back to school. I just thought that was a part of my past that I miss, but that I would never go back to. My degree won't help me at work, I am getting it for personal fulfillment. I hope that Vinny someday goes to college, and I will feel better expressing to him how important education is, if I at least have some of my own. I don't want him growing up knowing that I was a college drop out. Now I have to decide if I want to walk down that aisle with my cap in gown once June comes.
So if my bog is updated a little less, or my phone calls are a little less often, or cut shorter, or we don't see you much in the next two months, I hope you can understand why!!!
Thanks everyone for your encouragement and support in all of this.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Is this normal? updated with video

I am not sure how many of you have followed the development of Vinny, but for the most part, he is developing right along with what all of the charts say that he should be. His speech is a little behind, but he is able to get the point across and says quite a few words (see the chart on the right.) He just started counting (to 5) and can now jump and he is constantly running all over the place. We play hockey and he is able to hit the puck with the stick with ease.
The one thing that really amazes me that Vinny does though, is puzzles. He has 3 puzzles that he got for Christmas. One of them is all squares with letters, one is fruit, which has the picture on the background as well, and the other is of different toys. The toy one just has the cut outs and no pictures on the board. If I pick one of the pieces out of the bag Vinny can point out which puzzle it goes to and where it goes within seconds. Sometimes he finds them before I do. He doesn't hesitate at all, except for on the letter one, because all the pieces are the same shape. I just hold it up and he points to where it goes. He isn't the best at lining the pieces up yet, but he gets them in sometimes.
Since I was so impressed with this, I decided to have him try some puzzles online, as well. I thought that maybe he just memorized those ones very quickly. We went to these 2 games on and he was able to match them all up again. On the Bob the Builder one, he did all three levels without hesitation.

I am just wondering are other almost 2 year olds doing this as well? Or is this abnormal? Am I just naive in thinking that they don't have these kinds of skills yet?

Here is a video of him doing puzzles on Sunday night.

Monday, January 5, 2009

I remember Monday...

I remember New Year's Eve two years ago...
I wanted to have a New Year's Eve baby so bad... I knew that you would be 2 weeks early, but I wanted to make it happen anyway. We had been going walking everynight, and I would have contractions and then come home and lay down and they would be gone.
On New Year's Eve we had a bunch of people over to play games and just hang out. I wasn't drinking, obviously, and I was soooo tired. I didn't know how I was going to stay up until midnight, but felt like I had to since we had people over.
I remember Jason walking down the street with me in the freezing cold, so that I could try and go into labor. Like going into labor would have actually gotten you out that day... I don't know what I was thinking.
Now I am happy that we had to wait that extra two weeks. I was selfish to want you that night... your birthday is already too close to Christmas.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A little late, but worth the wait!

Vinny had his Christmas program last Tuesday, since they had cancelled it because of the snow. It was fun to go into his classroom and play, even if he wasn't really into following along that day :)
Miss Tanya and Miss Renee did a great job. I can't imagine having to deal with all of those kids on a daily basis, not to mention the fact that they were all on a sugar high. They had them all singing and dancing (with the exception of Vinny, of course) and they were all so excited for circle time.
Linda came to watch, and Dawn brought Eli and Kai in. Vinny was so excited to have his little buddy at daycare again!

Again, the video wouldn't load, so I had to put it on youtube. Here is the link.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

We had a fun little get together at our place last night. Dawn, Brian, Eli & Kai came and so did Jason. We actually made it 'til midnight, with the exception of the little ones, who we finally got to crash at about 11:45. It was a nice relaxing evening at home, with good friends, and a lot of fun.
I think the boys enjoyed their time together the most... They rocked out on guitars, played with trucks, ran all over the place, and finally laid down to relax and watch Mickey Mouse... we won't talk about how many times they got up after that :/