Monday, June 29, 2009

Day one of three.... Potty training journal.

We started today at 7:15. He was so excited to throw his diapers away. We only had 2 of them, so it wasn't very eventful, but he was excited.

7:15 am started.
7:32 am - had already gone through 5 pairs of underwear. He kept going a tiny bit, and then when I put him on the potty he wouldn't go all the way. One time he went a tiny bit, and got a track piece and then just wanted to keep going back for more pieces.
7:48 am - told me that he needed to go (freaked out actually (uh oh MOM!!!!) and went and sat on the potty and went a lot!!! Yay Vinny! Got a bridge for his train.
8:05 am - accident didn't go in the potty
8:16 am - told me he had to go, but put him on the potty and he didn't go... he then asked for a train piece :) He wouldn't put the same underwear back on because he said they were wet, but they were not.
9:23 am - accident - put him on the potty, and he didn't finish
10:20 am - started pooping and brought him in there... he finished in the potty chair. He got a bridge for his train. He was pretty upset that his underwear were poopy.
11:02 am - accident - put him on the potty - didn't finish. Did not want to put underwear back on.
11:08 am - got the underwear back on... but not happy about it.11:15 am - fell asleep - no pull ups.
12:42 pm - woke up and was very upset because he had wet himself. He came and got me and told me '"uh oh" and helped me clean it up. I gave him a track piece for being such a big help and telling me right away
1:19 pm - started in underwear, but I brought him in and he went in the potty chair. He emptied his bladder. He was very proud of himself and got a train.
2:06 pm - told me he had to go, but didn't go when he sat on the potty.
2:08 pm - had accident. Put him on the potty chair, and he didn't go anymore. **Note** Each time that I ask him if his underwear is still dry he says "all dry! High Five!!!" and gives me a high five. It is so funny!
3:34 pm - said he needed to go - didn't go
3:39 pm - accident - finished in potty - got a train track
5:30 pm - accident - didn't finish in potty
7:22 pm - accident - finished in potty - got a train track
7:35 pm - accident - didn't finish in potty
8:20 pm - accident - didn't finish in potty
9:55 pm - finally fell asleep. He wore his big boy underwear to bed. I slept on the floor, and twice when he moved I told him to tell me if he had to go potty. The first time he ignored me. The 2nd time he said "K."
4:30 am he was still dry.

Comments: This is the most frustrating thing I have had to do so far. I keep reading that all of this is normal and that I just need to stick with it, but I am not sure if I can go another two days with him by my side. I really thought that it would have "clicked" already. Hopefully today will be better. Wish us luck!!!


  1. I'm glad you're keeping such detailed notes. In a year and half or so I know just where to go for advice :)

  2. Hang in there, Melissa! And Good Luck to both of you !!!!
