Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Giving him a little independence

Vinny LOVES to do things on his own. He has always had an independent side, and so I decided to help him out a little. Lately, he has been getting into the fridge constantly. He has brought me everything from a bag of carrots and ranch, to a lime, to just a bottle of hot sauce. Sometimes I let him have what he brings me... other times.... I don't.
Well, since he seems to really like to get his own food, I made him a Vinny shelf in the fridge. He has his sippy cups already filled with milk. He has little baggies or carrots, some baggies with a tortilla in it, (He loves to eat just plain tortillas) boxes of raisins, string cheese, baggies of slices up oranges and I made the mistake of putting a couple of fruit roll ups down there, but they were gone in 2 seconds flat.
So far, it has gone OK. He is as happy as a clam to go and pick out what he wants, and I am happy because, I don't have to worry about what he is picking.
We had to change things a little though... I had all of his stuff in a little basket in the fridge. When I came out into the living room at 3:30 this morning, his basket with all of his stuff was sitting on the couch, next to his pillow. So, we got rid of the basket.
You have no idea how nice it was this morning, when Vinny got out of bed and came out on the couch with me and asked for his cup. I told him that there were some in the fridge, and if he waited a minute that I am sure that his dad would get him one... He said "No, Vinny get it!" and ran in there and came out with a huge smile on his face!
We are only on day 2. We'll see how things go and if we need to make more changes, but so far so good!

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