Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 3 - Potty Training Journal

6:05 am - Vinny woke up dry!!!!
6:32 am - Put Vinny on potty, he didn't go.
7:50 am - Vinny told me "potty" and we brought him in and we went. This is the first time that is actually went as planned. :)
9:30 am - Fell asleep, had an accident
10:47 am - Woke up from nap, we went straight into the bathroom and he sat on the potty and went.
11:10 am - **Note** I am starting to think that this is really working!!! He isn't so much telling me when he has to go, but holding it in. Then when I tell him it is time to go, he goes. The only accident today was while he was sleeping, and to me, that really doesn't count. He is so proud of himself, and I am so proud of him!!! It's been 52 hours and we have gone from going 5 times in his underwear in the 1st 1/2 hour on day one, to not having any accidents while he is awake on the beginning of day 3. I am planning on staying home with him again tomorrow, and then Friday we'll go back to our normal life, hopefully without diapers in tow!!!
12:32 pm - Vinny told me "uh oh, mom" and started running into the bathroom... And went!!! I don't want to jinx it, but is this it??? Did it finally click????
1:47 pm - Told Vinny that he needed to go potty and took him in and he went.
2:42 pm - Same as early, told him to go and he did. Maybe that is the secret, he might not know when yet, but if I just keep asking him, maybe he will keep going.
He is no longer interested in putting stickers on his chart. He says "no, mom do it"
3:34 pm - I told him that I was going to go potty, and he said "Vinny too!" and went.
5:30 pm - accident while napping
6:15 pm - accident while crying... I don't blame him, he was really upset.
We did it, our first trip out of the house with no diaper. We went to walmart. When we got there we went in and went potty, and he went a little bit and then made it the rest of the way home.
7:15 pm - Tony and Vinny went out to play, Vinny said he wanted to go in, so Tony let him in and he came and told me that he needed to go potty. He went.
7:45 pm - He started getting gassy, so I took him in on the potty. He pooped a little and went potty. I am expecting that he needs to poop more, because he hasn't gone today.

So it's almost 8:00 tally today: 3 accidents - 2 while napping and one while crying.

**Update** between 8:00 and 10:00 we had 3 accidents. He finished on the potty on all 3, but started in his underwear. At 10:15 I told him that we were going potty and he went in and went.

I have to admit the last few hours have been very trying and frustrating. He did so well today, I have no clue of what happened. It is like Tony got home and he didn't try anymore. So, tomorrow we will do day 4 of 3 day potty training.

We have to go to the dentist in the morning (a whole other post) and then my mom is coming over to have lunch for my birthday. It won't be a full day of just sitting in the house, which will be nice for both of us, but I will still have my eyes on him at ALL times.

It's now 10:42 and he just fell asleep. Can we wake up dry again? We'll see!

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