Sunday, December 7, 2008

Playdate with Cameron

We went to a playdate at Jennie's today and made Christmas ornaments. It was a lot of fun... Now I just have to work on getting Vinny to be nice to Cameron. He is such a brute! Constantly picking on him and pushing him down.


  1. Oh, I hate the "hitting and pushing" phase!! I'm sure it will pass soon - ALL kids go through it! I know my daughter did :)

    That's the best part of playdates when friends during that stage - they understand!

  2. Looks like you had fun and Vinny actually got involved this time (Unlike wth Eli)To bad he was just being a toddler and being agressive.

    Jenny comment says it best. Its a stage and I am sure it will soon pass, all kids go through it. I know Eli is.

  3. Oops - playdates WITH friends ;)
