I am trying to make sure that Vinny gets exposed to Christmas as much as I can before the day is finally here. I am not doing a very good job....
We went to the Christmas party up at our cabin on Saturday. Vinny wasn't interested in anything that was going on inside... We went on a train ride, and then he just wanted to play out in the rain... So rather than doing crafts and decorating cookies, he played in the mud puddles... That's my boy!

So after he was soaking wet, and miserable, and hearing that they were still going to sing carols for a 1/2 hour before Santa came, we decided to cut our day short. Doesn't Santa know better than to plan a visit during Vinny's naptime?
Our second attempt was to do Christmas crafts with Vinny. On Sunday, I found a great recipe online. I wanted him to make Cinnamon ornaments for the family members. They were really cute and smelled great, and he did his handprint perfect!!! Then mom tried to flip them so that they could dry on the other side... and they started crumbling... Not sure if I messed up the recipe wrong, or if it just isn't a good recipe, but I am not giving the family a crumbling handprint for Christmas.
I did get some pictures though, of him modeling the new PJs he got from his Secret Santa in my online Mommy's Group. (Thanks again, Benswife!) That counts as Christmas right??? (Check out the toe nails... I have tried to take the polish off, but he freaks out!!!)

Finally... We do some paper cutting and glueing of Christmas trees. They were a hit, for a few minutes, but it was enough to satisfy me for yesterday :)

To end our day yesterday, I just took some pictures of Vinny being goofy, while playing around... and realized, that I need to quit worrying about him learning about Christmas, and just make sure that he keeps that smile on his face!!!

Bath time with bubbles!!!

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