Monday, December 22, 2008

I remember Monday...

Jenny does "I remember Monday" on her blog every week, and talked about how great it is to have all of the memories coming back, so I thought I would do one today.
With Christmas and Vinny's 2nd birthday coming up, It is a pretty special time of year for us.
I remember 2 years ago. I was 9 month pregnant. I wasn't sleeping anymore, my back hurt, oh, who am I kidding, my whole body hurt, and I was completely done with the whole pregnancy thing. I couldn't wait for our little Vincent to come out and visit the world. At the beginning of December I went and had a 3D ultrasound done. I don't recommend it that late in the pregnancy. Vinny's nose looked huge! I was so nervous that I was going to have this little tiny baby with a great big honker! I would have loved him either way, and probably wouldn't have thought anything of it anyway, but I was still worried.
I spent that last month begging Dr Beard to induce. He wouldn't... he kept telling me that I had to wait that extra 10 days. (I did finally get him to cave, but I had to get my blood pressure to go up really high.)
Last year, at this time, we were getting ready to celebrate Vinny's first Christmas. We took him to see Santa, which wasn't a joyous event, but ended up with cute scared pictures. I couldn't wait until he was able to open his gifts and have his first Christmas. He was crawling around everywhere and into everything. We didn't do any decorating because we knew that Vinny wouldn't know the difference. The only decoration was a little santa hat that Vinny wore on his head.
I was also being psycho Mom and planning Vinny's 1st birthday. To me, that was more exciting than Christmas, and I had to make sure it was perfect... I spent months planning that thing :)
I can't believe that it has been nearly 2 years already. It seems like only yesterday that I was waddling around waiting for my baby boy to be born.

1 comment:

  1. Aww!! I know exactly what you mean - it seems like yesterday I was pregnant with Acadia, too. Can you believe Vinny is almost 2?!?!
