Vinny had his 4 year well baby visit today at the dr. I guess it isn't a well baby appointment anymore, is it?
These are the questions they asked:
Can he make it through the night without an accident : yes
Can he pedal a trike for 10 feet: I don't know for sure, but I am sure he can
Can he stack 8 blocks: yes
Can he count to 10: yes (he can count over 100 by himself)
Does he play with others: yes
Does he eat well: yes
Does he show favoritism towards certain things: yes
He also asked how he does away from his parents: he does great.
He weighed 37.4 lbs, which is about the 55th percentile.
He was 40 inches tall, which is about the 50th percentile.
Dr Beard guessed that he would be about 5'10 at age 18. He said that he may go through a growth spurt soon and that would change his guess though.
He said that everything looked great and he seemed like a bright and happy boy.
He mentioned that he thought that he could understand most of what Vinny said and that we should consider that he may not need speech anymore.
He asked if I thought that we would put him in Kindergarten next year, because he is ready, and I told him probably not. He thought that was a very good choice, because boys tend to need that extra year. Even if they don't need it now, they may later, once they get to Jr high. We also discussed private vs. public kindergarten, and he said that he doesn't think it matters, what really matters in the parents' involvement.
Vinny got all 4 of his Kindergarten shots, and won't need anymore until he is 11 (Thank God!)
Over all I think it went very well!
3 years ago
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