I have recently seen a lot of subway art on Etsy and even one of my online friends made one for her wall. I really really really want one for my wall too. But, as you know, we have a million projects going on at home, so I don't really have the time to put into making one right now. And I have a hard time spending the money on one, when I know I could make it. I decided to try and attempt a little one myself to see if I was even creative enough to make one. I went through all my old scrapbooking stuff, and got out my black letter stickers and white paper. (The opposite colors of what I want, but I don't have many white letter stickers.) I also got out some black paper and white crayons and white pencils, so I could try it that way too... I wasn't really happy with how that one turned out, but here is a pic of it.

Here is the one that I like... It isn't perfect, but at lease I know that I can make one if I try. I plan to frame this one and hang it by the front door. Hopefully it will help me hold off until I get the rest of the projects I need to get done first. :)
I think they both look GREAT!