We went and spent a nice couple of days at the ocean.
Tony with his kite. He loved flying it so much, that we ended up getting him another one. I have to admit, it was pretty fun. I never realized how much work a sport kite can be.
Vinny didn't want sand on his band-aids so he sat in the trunk while dad flew his kite.
My feet and tattoos in the sand.
My boys.
My little monster.
I wanted to get a pic of Tony and I together, so we let Vinny take a couple... these are what we got.
Vinny was obsessed with making hearts in the sand. Here is his attempt with footprints.
On the trail between the beach and our hotel, we came across 3 bucks. Not what we were expecting on the trail.
Ignore the shorts, I was wearing Tony's because all of mine were all wet.
This is a pretty cool picture, when it is bigger. It is of all the seagulls out on the beach.
Beautiful pictures! How fun !!!