On the way home from the 1st pumpkin patch, I decided that we should go and support the Rotary Pumpkin for Literacy Pumpkin Patch at Smokey Point Plant farm. Vinny really enjoyed this one!!! He loved it last year too...
Vinny in the bouncy house.

(Remember how many pumpkins are in this field, so when I explain something later, you will understand.)

Dawn working hard!

Vinny as a ghost.

Time for a train ride!

So remember that picture with all the pumpkins? This is the one that Vinny picked. Go figure! We walked around for a good 15 minutes while he looked at all of them and either said that "that one too big" or "that one icky" or "that one too bumpy." The he yelled "Look Mom!" and grabbed that one. So, that is his pumpkin. The funny thing about it is that they have a whole section of those little pumpkins that he wasn't at all interested in. This one just happened to be out of place and he had to have it.

After we paid (They gave him his little pumpkin for free (Thank you!!!)) He set it down so he could play in the rocks. Notice how he placed a couple of rocks down so that he could put his pumpkin on a little pedistol. My kid is so strange sometimes.
Had to ride the tractors on the way out. (That is my pumpkin sitting next to his.)
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