We took Vinny to his 1st Tips game of the season... He won't be seeing very many more this year :/ We let him go down to the 1st row before the game and so he wanted to go down there the whole time. He LOVED the game and was super excited for about the first 10 minutes and then threw a fit. So... 1/2 way through the 1st period he and I went for a walk... 1st intermission he went down and watched. 2nd period we went up and walked again. He threw a huge fit because he wanted chocolate covered strawberries. Until... he saw this hockey net set up. He was in heaven... He played goalie and was hitting his puck and screaming "Goal!!!" Other kids were stopping to play with him too. It was fun to watch.
2nd intermission, we went down again so that he could "chicken dance" He did pretty well. When we told him it was time to go back to his seats, he threw another fit. So... he and I left. We walked to the car, and drove around until the game was over.
So, basically, I saw about 5 minutes of the game last night. That will teach me to take a tired 2 1/2 year old to a hockey game, I guess.