I am starting to think that "Life as Vinny's mom" is an understatement... now it's life as Vinny's, Patina's, Jordy's, Lucy's, Jake's and Milk's mom. That's right, we added 2 new additions to our family. We got 2 beagle puppies. The female is 8 weeks old and names Lucy and the male is 10 weeks old and named Jake. They are 1/2 brother and sister. We decided that we finally were going to get a dog. On Sunday, after lots of research we decided on Beagle... We found Lucy in Lyden on Sunday night... Monday afternoon, I drove back up there and got Jake. Lucy missed him :)
Here are some pictures...
Puppy #1... Oh wait...


Vinny and his new pals.


It was impossible to get Vinny and the puppies in a picture with us.

Aww, they are so cute! I love beagles!