When I got home Tony told me that the bridge to get there was closed and the ferries were booked, but that there was a ferry we could take that night... so there it is 6:00, I had just got home and we needed to be in Edmonds at 8:00 if we wanted to go... So we started packing. It was only for one night, so we didn't need much. We rushed around the house, grabbed clothes, the diaper bag, the camera and the baby, and hopped in the car.
We had to wait for awhile, but we were able to get on the ferry on stand by. It was a special ferry that they only have on weeknights that takes you straight to Port Townsend. It was a long ride, but we got there at about 10:30 and were able to find a hotel right away.
This morning, we got up and drove to Sequim. Vinny had such a fun time... especially when we got to feed the animals. (No, Vinny wasn't in a seatbelt, but we were safe about it)
The last 24 hours was kind of a whirl wind road trip... a lot of driving, and a long of just "winging it," but it was a well needed trip, and we had such a good time...
Now back to the real world.
Tomorrow is the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life walk in Monroe. We are going to go and camp there tomorrow night with some of the girls from the bank. I think it is going to be a lot of fun.
Then Sunday I think we are going to go up to the cabin for awhile.
Then another 5 day week. Vinny's first full week at the new daycare. It will be interesting to see how it goes now that he is used to it. They have nothing but great things to say about him, and how well behaved he is (shocking huh?) and how well he does. I just hope it stays that way.
I won't be in my branch again this week. I will be going from branch to branch again, and probably will be until July, so it makes work different, but fun.
Well, Vinny is whining for me to get off the computer... I wil write more later!
Yeah !!!!! ... on the trip!