Friday, May 8, 2009

Daycare update

So, we had an incident at Vinny's old daycare yesterday, and I decided that it isn't the best situation for Vinny. The wonderful care that Vinny has been given there over the last 2 years, just isn't there anymore. So, I went and pulled him out early. So yesterday was his last day. I feel bad because he never got to go and say goodbye, but I will take him in next Friday to say goodbye to his teachers, when I pick up our check.
So today Vinny is going to go and stay with "Papa and Bailey" (Dan and their dog) and then he is going to start his new daycare next week.
The transition that I hoped for isn't quite like I had hoped, but I think that this is better for all of us, and I am sure that Vinny will enjoy going to the new daycare.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I wondered if after you coming over yesterday that something wasnt going to happen like this. I am glad that you have a great place to look forward to starting and that Dan is getting to spend some time with Vin.

    You know I would have taken him too!

