You might want to read the post below first, so you know what is going on.... They are out of order, and I am not sure how to fix them.
After the boys woke from thier nap we had another fun filled couple of hours, until Dawn and Brian came and got Eli. It was such a fun day, and although exhausting, I really enjoyed seeing how well they interact with eachother now. Now that they are both able to communicate a little more, I think that they play together really well.

Vinny woke up crabby and was pouting because he didn't want me to play with Eli. He moped around like this for a good 10 minutes while I pushed Eli on the swing.

Poor Vinny :(

If this look doesn't break your heart, I don't know what will...


It didn't take Vinny long to snap out of it. One second he is laying the grass, the next he is laughing on the swing.
Dawn~ Eli LOVED the swing... You guys will have to come over a lot this summer.

Quiet time doing puzzles.

We did a little finger paiting.

They both look like they are taking their work of art so seriously.

The finished materpiece.

Lasagna for dinner. Yum!

We built a fort.
Cute!! Looks like fun!