Monday, February 23, 2009


Today is a sad day in the Marysville KNU Toddler classroom. Ms. Tanya announced that she will be leaving. She is pregnant and this will be her last week full time. She is then going to go part time, and gradually transition out of the Toddler room, until she decides to stay home. She isn't going to come back.
Now, let me tell you about Tanya. She is amazing. She started right as Vinny moved in to waddlers and has moved up with him through pre-toddler and toddler. She is the only one there that really seems to get through to Vinny. He talks more when he is with her, and learns very well from her, and he just loves her. I am so disappointed. I knew that when he turned 2 1/2 that he would be moved up out of her classroom, but I had secretly hoped that she would move up with him then too. Other than me, she has been the "other woman" in his life consistently for over a year now.
I know that she won't read this, but in case she does... Thank you Tanya, for everything you have done. Good luck with your pregnancy and your family as it grows! We will miss you!!!
Now it is just a waiting game. They are not sure yet who is going to move into Vinny's classroom and if Miss Renee is going to become the lead or not. I really hope that she does. Vinny really likes her too, and I know that she would do really well with him. She communicates well with me, too, which I really love. Let's just hope that it all works out!!!

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