At my work we have this award called Platinum Club. There are several ways to qualify for it. They give away the award each quarter, and then again annually. If you win for the quarter, you are invited to a celebration breakfast with the Management team of the bank, as well as the other winners. For 2010, I won the quarterly Platinum Club 3 out of 4 quarters. To me, it was a major accomplishment considering I started the bank 4th quarter of 2009. So the 1st quarter that I was actually eligible to win, I did! Those of you who know me well, know that I love to be on top and love to win, so this was very exciting for me.
I soon found out that I was also the winner of the 2010 Annual Platinum Award. With this I was invited to a dinner out (it was at Terracotta Red in Everett) and a small bonus. Here are a few pictures for the night.
Caorl Neilsen and me. Carol is our bank president.
Vern, Myself, Michelle & Susan. These were a couple of the other annual winners.
I wanted to share this because to me, this is a major accomplishment. I won this annual award for my sales after only being with the bank for 14 months. After leaving my last job, I was feeling a bit deflated, and this has helped me to see that I still can thrive.Last week I received and email saying that I had won, once again for 1st quarter 2011. The breakfast is this coming Thursday.
Congratulations again, Melissa!!! I'm so proud of you !!!!!! Love, Mom