We decided to do a roller skating party for Vinny and his friends. It was a lot of fun... but exhausting!!!
All clean and waiting to get ready!

Birthday Boy!

Eli, Ashley, Andrew and Cameron

We told Cameron he couldn't open Vinny's presents... He told me "No!"

The adorable cake that Dawn made! Love it!!!

The other cake.

Vinny was very shy while we were singing.



Cameron and Vinny



Of all the things... this is what got a "Woah!"


Vinny got his first bike from Papa Vinny and Chrisana!

Vinny and Ellie

Vinny, Ellie and Ethan

I think they like falling more than they like skating!

Papa Vinny and Chrisana

Even Tony skated!

Vinny pouting because he wanted a pop out of the pop machine.

Daddy caving because it was Vinny's birthday party.

Grandma Donna watching the skaters.
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