Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!

We had a fun little get together at our place last night. Dawn, Brian, Eli & Kai came and so did Jason. We actually made it 'til midnight, with the exception of the little ones, who we finally got to crash at about 11:45. It was a nice relaxing evening at home, with good friends, and a lot of fun.
I think the boys enjoyed their time together the most... They rocked out on guitars, played with trucks, ran all over the place, and finally laid down to relax and watch Mickey Mouse... we won't talk about how many times they got up after that :/


  1. we had a blast. Brian and I loved having some "couple time" with a you and Tony. and I love that boys play so well together. it was a great fun, relaxing night!

  2. Vinny and Eli are so cute together! Glad you all had such a fun new year's eve!
