Sunday, March 27, 2011

Community Transit

On Friday I got to go and spend the day at Vinny's school. They did a trip on the city bus. Vinny said it was a lot of fun.
Singing time!
On the playground.
I was a little suprised by how Vinny acted in school. He didn't listen very well, and had to be told multiple times to sit down or calm down. I have an email out to his teacher to see if this is normal, or if he was acting up because I was there. I have to admit, I was a little disappointed that I had "that kid."

Ice Skating

Vinny had week 2 of ice skating last week and did really well. He can skate a bit but more importantly, he can get up by himself when he falls ;)

52 week project - Week 12

Yesterday we decided to go down to Kayak Point to go for a little walk. Here are some pics.
He was very excited that he was on such a big log.
Vinny was mad and didn't want to pose for a picture, so this is what we got.
At the playground.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

52 week project - Week 11

My favorite picture so far... Butterfly kisses before bed.

We were just hanging out on the couch watching TV. We really do get off the couch, I swear! It just seems like that is the only time I remember to take these pics.

Combining play time with bed time.

Vinny wanted a fort in his room, last night, so I hung a sheet on the bottom half of his bunk. He played under there for over an hour... until bedtime...

...and then he slept under there.


On Friday night we drove down to Cabela's (I know, insane right? But Tony needed new binoculars for his shoot on Saturday.) Anyway, everytime that we go, Vinny begs to play the "gun shooting game." I have never let him before. That night, they just happened to have free play, so you didn't have to pay. So that lucky boy got his wish. He loved it, and did pretty good, too!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Playdate with Jennie, Cameron & Shawn

On St Patty's Day we got together with Jennie and the boys. My goal was to get a nice picture of Vinny and Cameron together. Those two boys are usually argueing about something, so it was great to see them play together so nice.
Try #1
Try #2 (Thank you Cameron, for at least trying)
Try #3
Try #4
And #5
Finally... well, kind of... Vinny has a bit of an evil face, but he is hugging Cameron, at least...
Jennie & Shawn
Being goofy....
Can't have just one goofball!
Ta Da!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The strangest thing happened this morning.... ;) Tony had already left for work and Vinny was still in bed. I was in the kitchen making Vinny some toast for breakfast and a glass of milk, when I heard a strange sound... I turned around and on the counter there was a little dancing man, all dressed in green. I think it might have been a leprechaun!
I grabbed a lunch bag off the shelf and scooped him up inside. I taped it all up and put it out on the coffee table so I could show Vinny. I put his toast and milk out next to it too.
I woke Vinny up and told him about the Lephrechaun, so he ran out to the living room, and you wouldn't believe what he found... someone had taken bites of Vinny's toast, there were little marshmallows left all over and his milk was GREEN!!!!
How could this be??? Who could have done it??? I grabbed the bag so that I could show Vinny the Leprechaun and noticed it was very light... I turned it around, and this is what we saw!
He had escaped! OH NO!!! We looked all over the house and couldn't find him. Vinny thinks that he must have left out the doggy door to go and get some clovers, or to go to another kids' house.
Vinny is pretty bummed that he didn't get to see him, but I explained that Leprechauns don't let kids see them, and that must be why he escaped.
Vinny thinks that he escaped because he wanted to leave him lucky marshmallows for breakfast. :)

(he told me he would only let me take his picture if he didn't have to look)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My poor baby....

We have been very fortunate over the last year or so that Vinny has rarely been sick. Except for the occasional cold or cough, he has been very healthy. After his 1st couple of years in daycare, where it seems like he was contantly sick, this has been a blessing for us. Well, since all good things come to an end, it happened... he got sick. Luckily. it was nothing more than a fever, and being sleepy, but he was out for a few days. It started suddenly on Sunday, with a fever that spiked to 103.8. We stayed home with him Monday and Tuesday, but by Wednesday he was back to his old self...
Here is a picture of him while he was sleeping on Monday... I have to admit... he is a pretty sweet and cute boy when he is sick.

52 Week Project - Week 10

Tim is so cool.

Uncle Tim got a drum set, that is perfect for Vinny... no one else can hear it. :o) Vinny has a blast playing it the other night.

21 more days and counting....

So, it was kind of a last minute decision, but Vinny and I are going on vacation. I decided I wanted to do something, just the two of us, over our vacation in April. When I mentioned it to Tony, he told me to go for it... But that Vinny really wanted to go on a plane, so if I was going to spend the money on a vacation, I might as well make in on a plane. So after about a week of research we picked a place. San Diego. We will be going down for 4 days. I am so excited, I can't even explain it. Not only am I going on vacation, but I am doing it by myself, which I have never done before. Yes, I am a little nervous, but I know we will have a great time, and will be just fine. So the countdown begins....

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mover's Photo

When we were in line, the Movers had mentioned that Vinny was so serious. I think that is why they are acting so serious in the picture. Kind of goofy, but Oh well!
I forgot to mention that when Nina went up to Vinny she said "Hi Vinny!" and introduced him to the Movers. Vinny was so excited that she new his name! No need to mention that it is on his shirt!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Bug's Life

We decided to have Sunday Movie Morning at the Hemrich house. The 3 of us curled up on the couch to watch Disney's A Bug's Life.

Vinny decided that he wanted to draw a picture from the movie, when it was over.... so he drew "Slim." 

Vinny's Wind Sock

Vnny brought this windsock hom from school the other day... He was very excited to hang it up!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

52 Week Project - Week 9

These were taken that the Mini Movers Party while waiting to meet the Imagination Movers.

Imagination Movers!

For Vinny's birthday, we got him tickets to the Imagination Movers concert. We finally got to go to it last night! It was a blast! We took Vinny last year, and he had fun, but this time he danced his little pants off the whole time! There were times when he was the only one dancing in the aisles!

My little Mover being goofy on the way to the concert.
 Waiting in line to get in.
 He is so weird!
The show started out with an opener from Choo Choo Soul! This was quite the suprise for Vinny!
Imagination Movers!!!!!
Nina and Rich

Eddie the Monster came to visit. Vinny saw him and yelled "Nobody told me he was going to be here! This is so good!"

Having so much fun!
So serious, trying to copy every move.
Check out these cool moves!

My Mini Mover
Mover Smitty coming down our aisle!
Bad timing with the camera, but this was after Vinny gave Smitty five!
Time to head over the the Mini Movers' Party!
Vinny playing with balloons while waiting for the Movers to come in.
DC from Choo Choo Soul
Genevieve from Choo Choo Soul.

In line waiting to see the Movers....

"Where is Warehouse Mouse? I said Where is Warehouse Mouse? He's there...." right in Mom's bed, ready to go to sleep after a long night of partying with Vinny and the Movers.
Some of the goodies that Vinny got for being a Mini Mover.
Our tickets
They had a little photo booth set up where the kids could play the drums and get a picture...

When I asked Vinny what his favorite part was, he said "Meeting Mover Rich, Giving Five to Mover Dave, and buying Warehouse Mouse." That's my boy! Loves to shop!!! :)
To be continued..... The pictures that they took with the Movers are going to be posted online within 48 hours. So I will post them once I get them...