Vinny was very nervous and didn't want to go to his school this morning, but once we got there, he had a lot of fun. We went to the santuary and they did a little orientation and prayer and then we headed to his classroom to see his class and meet his teachers. Both teachers seemed Vinny nice, and I was very impressed with the school.
Since we have been working on Vinny's "words" so much, before I went into the class, I told him that whe the teacher asked his name, do be sure to tell her very clearly. So we walked up and she said "and what's your name," He got really nervous, put his hands on his forehead, looked up at me and said "I forgot." She has got to think that he is a complete idiot. I should have just let him be and not said anything, but she'll learn soon enough that he is a bright little guy.
When it was time to go, at first he didn't want to leave, but finally he cleaned up all the toys (even the ones that weren't his) and said goodbye to his teachers. He is very excited to come back on Friday.

We walked in the door and first thing he did was sit down to start doing puzzles.

Not a great picture, but here he is with Donovan. Donovan is the grandson of one of my old customers. She is a great lady, and he is a great kid, so I hope they get to become friends.