Vinny got a big boy bed today!!! It is a loft bed from IKEA, and I love it! We haven't had much luck with him staying in his own bed, and his CARS bed, just wasn't cutting it, so we decided to get him a twin bed, and pray that he will actually sleep in his own room. As some of you know, I don't think he has slept in his own room more than a couple of times in his life. He slept in the living room forever, and now has been crawling into our bed. It was time for a change!
I kept asking him if he wanted a big boy bed, and then today showed him the picture online of the one that I wanted to get him. He saw that there was a tent on it, and was so excited. So off to IKEA we went! It took WAY to long to put together, and I realize now that that boy has way too much stuff. We had to take his train table out of his room in order to fit it in, and it doesn't leave much room, but I love it.
We decided to put our old couch under the bed for now. We may move it, but for now, it works.
The view when you walk in the room.
I kept some of his jungle theme stuff up... oh, and that is his new nightlight.
Yes, that is a basket on his head.
**Update** Vinny bawled once I shut his door. I went in and just asked him what was wrong. He said that he was done being a Big Boy for the night. I explained that he wanted the bed and that he had made a deal that if he got the bed, that he had to sleep in it. So I said goodnight and shut the door. He cried for less than 2 minutes and was out. Yay!