Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I am home today with my son because he bit 4 times.
4 times in one morning, can you believe it?!?!?!?
The problem is that I really don't know how to handle it. I feel like there is nothing I can do. I give him tylenol and orajel for teething. I feed him before daycare. I try to get him to get enough sleep, but we struggle on this too.
Anyway, he doesn't bite at home, and he doesn't bite anyone except for at daycare.
I wish I could get him to stop, but I am not there when he does it, and even if I was, I don't know that I would be able to get him to stop anyway.
I feel like other parents think that I am a bad mom, because I am the mom of "the biter." I know that I am not a bad mom. I am an excellent mother.
Maybe the mother's of the bitees should teach their children to quit taking my child's toys or food and to quit putting their arms near his mouth... Ok... rant over...
I think that I am just to the point where I have to sit back and hope that it is a short phase that he is going through and know that it doesn't reflect on me as a parent at all. And in the mean time, I can't get sick, because I know that I need to save all of my sicktime to deal with my little Jaws!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The beginning....

Well... here is the beginning of my blog. I totally wish that I would have started this 2 years ago when I was still pregnant or even when Vinny was first born... but I didn't, so now you get to read about my 16 month old...
Let's go backwards and give you some info on me.
I am a 28 year old, married, working mother. I have been married to my husband, Tony, since June '04. We started dating in Feb '02. We bought a house in Marysville, WA.
**Side note** Since then we have bought a lot more things... a car... a truck... 3 quads... a trailer... a cabin... tons of diapers... tons of baby wipes, among other things... basically, now that we have Vinny... the purchases, just aren't quite as big or quite as fun.
We do live a good life. We don't have our dream house or have really expensive things, but we are content. We have family nearby, we have good jobs and are actually living like "grown ups" should.
I work as a manager at a local bank. It is a good job. It doesn't pay what I would like to make, but I am happy here. They take care of me, and I will hopefully stay here for a really long time. I have been here for 5 years. I have made some great friends here and enjoy most of my days even though I am working.
In early '06 Tony and I decided that we wanted to get pregnant. It only took 2 months and our bundle of joy was on the way. Vincent "Vinny" Anthony Hemrich was born January 14, 2007.
Life sure has changed! We have gone from living the "DINK" life, to living paycheck to paycheck, perfect work attendence to having to pick up our little guy because he is either sick, or becuase he bit someone's arm off. It has been a whole new world.

But worth it!!! Vinny is the complete joy of my life... He is an amazing child, and although he is currently going through he terrible twos early, I wouldn't trade any of it.

Well... Welcome to my blog. I will try and update it often with stories of the day, or rants and vents... updates on Vinny's life, or on exciting things for our family. I hope you all enjoy it!